Staffing levels at a trust which runs a Suffolk hospital have dropped by more than three per cent in eight months.
The actions of a man and woman jailed following a knifepoint robbery in a seaside town have been branded ‘despicable’.
SuffolkNews has been to watch a three-person adaptation of Jane Austin classic Pride and Prejudice and this is what we thought.
Suffolk has been ranked the third safest county in the UK for the second year.
A Suffolk hospital extended the opening hours of its new minor emergency care unit as it tried to manage an increased demand in A&E.
A town’s MP has discussed access to affordable dental care at Government level after a practice on an estate announced its privatisation.
The landlord of a village pub which has reopened after a major refurbishment said he believes the pub trade is robust.
A sculpture of a beloved cat is now proudly in place on the fence of the artist who created it.
A 33-year-old woman has been banned from driving after she was found with drugs including cocaine in her system.
More than 60 young patients initially referred to the trust which runs West Suffolk Hospital have been treated elsewhere in the county.
A service station off the A14 remains open a fortnight after being told to shut due to planning infringements.
A woman has been taken to hospital after a collision between a car and tractor in a Suffolk village.
Power will soon be restored to all homes in a Suffolk town after a van crashed into an electricity pole bringing down cables.
Suffolk Police said it is committed to investigating allegations of sexual abuse after just four per cent of reports resulted in a charge.
A campaign group says the needs of a town’s growing population aren’t being met after a dental practice said it was privatising.
NHS patients at a dental practice on a town estate have spoken of their disappointment after being told it is privatising.
Flu cases at a Suffolk hospital are starting to decline as the trust which runs it continues to deal with a high demand for its services.
A hospital trust said it is continuing ‘to make progress’ as it works to improve its updated forecast deficit of £26.5m.
A project to tackle health inequalities on a town estate saw more than 60 people have their blood pressure checked over the last 12 months.
A council has pleaded for the return of a Dalmatian sculpture which was ‘forcibly removed and stolen’ from the front of a town hall.