The number of patients being treated for skin cancer has risen by nearly 20 per cent year-on-year according to a hospital trust.
A man has admitted claiming to be a member of the Wagner Group after he was arrested at a combat and reenactment event in Suffolk.
Two young car enthusiasts are in for a treat later this month after a meet up was arranged in their honour.
The landlords of a popular pub in a Suffolk town are set to move on after five years.
Proposed industrial, warehouse and research spaces could create up to 100 jobs in a Suffolk town.
Travellers have pitched up on the outskirts of a Suffolk town opposite an Audi garage.
The manager of a homeless drop in said there is a lot of a poverty in a Suffolk town despite it looking like an affluent tourist destination.
A Suffolk woman who left her 14-week-old puppy in the garden while on holiday for a fortnight has been banned from keeping all animals.
A fire station has shared photos of a damaged terraced house in a seaside town after a busy day for firefighters in Suffolk.
Residents were evacuated as firefighters tackled a house fire in a seaside town.
A dog called Polo who had part of his jaw removed during cancer treatment is now back home enjoying cuddles with his grateful owners.
The last remaining Nissen Hut on a Suffolk airfield has been restored and is now available to rent at a cost of £10,000 a year.
Maternity social media pages run by a Suffolk NHS trust have been shortlisted for a patient safety award.
A singer who performed on an iconic 90s track is hoping to inspire musicians at a meet and greet in a Suffolk town this weekend.
A play area at a Suffolk beauty spot has reopened with hopes it will be used by families for years to come.
Starbucks is recruiting in a Suffolk town as building work starts at a location earmarked for two drive-thru restaurants.
Farmers have been left ‘living in fear’ as thieves steal expensive equipment and then return to the scene of the crime weeks later.
It has been revealed some Suffolk residents are still not back in their homes nine months on from flooding caused by Storm Babet.
A new McDonald’s restaurant employing more than 100 people has welcomed customers for the first time.
Four people arrested following a fire at a Burger King restaurant will remain on bail until October.