A new health festival believed to be a first for West Suffolk attracted almost 200 people on Saturday.
An NHS trust which runs hospitals in Suffolk has defended its decision to privatise housekeeping and security services.
A couple that have been together for 26 years have been married in a ‘truly special’ ceremony in a hospital’s Butterfly Garden.
Jobs are being advertised for a new takeaway restaurant after groundwork was started in the area it is expected to be built.
All wards have reopened at a Suffolk hospital after closures due to norovirus.
A new indoor role play area has opened at a retail village featuring a cottage for little bakers and a dinosaur cave for explorers.
Suffolk Highways has confirmed that a large pothole on a key town route has been repaired.
A first-time author and mum-of-two has shared her 237 ideas for things to do with children in Suffolk in a new book.
A kitten has been rescued by firefighters after being trapped on a steep roof for 30 hours.
A ward remains closed at a Suffolk hospital after cases of norovirus peaked last week.
A village bakery is preparing to shut its doors next month after serving customers for decades.
A nurse who started working at a Suffolk hospital more 50 years ago has described nursing as the ‘absolute pleasure’ of her life.
A couple are fearing a bill of hundreds of pounds after their Range Rover hit a pothole on a key town route last night.
A new metal sign aimed at deterring speeding drivers is now in place on a busy town estate.
An MP said he hopes a solution can be found as a service station off the A14 remains open almost a month after it was told to shut.
A cannabis factory has been dismantled by police after 35 plants were found at a property in a Suffolk village.
A 21-year-old man has been sentenced for making indecent images of a child after the victim’s mum contacted police.
A hospital has closed three of its wards due to an increased number of cases of a bug which causes diarrhoea and vomiting.
A town swimming pool popular with families will reopen this weekend after a five month closure.
A reverse vending machine project which started as a six month trial is celebrating its first anniversary thanks to public support.