A council has granted permission for a café to open at a Suffolk beauty spot despite initial concerns from the Forestry Commission.
A Suffolk pub has been mentioned on a hit daytime TV show after issuing guidance saying it is ‘not child friendly’.
Retrospective plans to install two temporary classrooms at a Suffolk high school have been recommended for approval by a council.
Family members of teenager Liam Neathey have walked him off his estate for the final time before a funeral filled with tears and laughter.
A talented artist has returned to the school he went to as a child to create a mural for reception children.
A Suffolk landlord is gearing up to take over from his parents at a village pub popular for its food and beer gardens.
Yesterday people might have spotted a traditional robed procession making its way through the streets of a Suffolk town.
Last night Paloma Faith stopped off in Suffolk a few days ahead of performing on Glastonbury’s pyramid stage.
Suffolk Highways said a huge sinkhole has made been made safe after a driver said she is worried it might collapse.
A former University of Suffolk student has announced he is set to take over at a vegan hotspot in a Suffolk town centre.
A group of women and girls have given gliding a try 2000 ft above a Suffolk airfield as part of an event to encourage more females into the sport.
The future of a bank in a Suffolk town centre remains unclear after the premises it leases was put up for sale.
A multi-award-winning black press, documentary and lifestyle photographer is set to open a free exhibition in a Suffolk town.
A Suffolk sailing and canoeing group has celebrated its surprising links with the Caribbean at its annual regatta.
A Mexican-inspired fast food chain is still expected to open a restaurant in a Suffolk retail park despite a year’s delay.
A new and more inclusive play park is to be built at a Suffolk beauty spot in time for the summer holidays.
The mum of a Suffolk teenager is calling on people to walk him off the estate he loved one final time ahead of a celebration of his life.
The daughter of an 85-year-old who had her purse stolen in a town centre store said her mum has been left shaken to the core.
Drivers experienced delays on a key Suffolk route this morning after a collision involving three vehicles.
Year 6 pupils made memories and represented their school ‘extremely well’ on a recent sightseeing trip to London.