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Plans for 63 homes in Leavenheath, between Sudbury and Hadleigh, set for refusal after more than 100 objections

Two separate applications proposing 63 new homes in Leavenheath, between Sudbury and Hadleigh, look set for refusal after more than 100 objections.

The larger of the two applications – for 40 homes, 14 of which would be affordable – was submitted by Boxford (Suffolk) Holdings Limited for land south of High Road, outside the settlement boundary.

If approved, the application would also see the creation of open space and landscaping buffers.

Sketch site plan, 40 new homes. Picture: PJB Planning
Sketch site plan, 40 new homes. Picture: PJB Planning

However, the development has received 53 objections raising concerns including loss of privacy, impacts on the environment and lack of school capacity.

The officer report also said the village was unsustainable for the scale of the development, evidenced by the county council requesting CIL and section 106 developer contributions totalling nearly £820,000.

On balance, the report concluded the benefits of the development would not outweigh the harm to the character of the village.

Proposed site plan, 23 new homes. Picture: JCN Design and Planning
Proposed site plan, 23 new homes. Picture: JCN Design and Planning

The smaller scheme, by Waterson Homes, would see 23 new homes – eight affordable – built on land east of Blackthorn Way, also outside Leavenheath’s settlement boundary.

The proposal includes a new vehicular access from the A134, a footpath connection toward Maple Waym, public access to the existing woodland and a new public open space on the street frontage.

The development received 49 objections and a formal objection by the parish council.

Like the previous application, the county council requested CIL and section 106 contributions, amounting to nearly £500,000, which officers see as a reflection of the unsustainable nature of the site.

Both applications are recommended for refusal by officers and will be considered by members of Babergh’s planning committee on March 20.

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