Suffolk is set to receive more than £9 million in Government funding for special needs care.
Plans to build an energy storage system in best-quality agricultural land have been approved despite concerns.
Formal challenges to the county council's takeover of the libraries' service have been rejected.
Plans to pedestrianise and upgrade a town centre street are due for a final decision.
A decision is due on plans for a new employment area in a town which could create more than 600 jobs.
Plans to turn a town's former gym into a builders' merchant have been recommended for approval by planners despite concerns.
A council is due to decide on how to spend £18.6 million on special needs care as demand balloons.
An authority is being asked to commit £1.6 million after fire service staff told Government inspectors they were bullied and belittled.
A hearing is due on proposals for a new bookshop in a village.
The Government's housing targets for two districts are 'extremely challenging', two planning leads have said.
A petition opposing hikes to parking charges across a district has been turned down by councillors.
Councils across Suffolk have held votes on how to go about devolution — where did yours stand?
Leaders have backed the council's library service takeover but a formal challenge request has been launched.
Plans to turn a former Royal British Legion site into 58 new retirement apartments are set to be discussed by councillors.
Leaders are set to consider asking for more money from housebuilders.
A petition rejecting hikes to parking charges across a district is set to be discussed by council leaders.
Councillors have backed a motion pledging to address violence against women and girls.
An authority won't be 'trading communities like Pokémon cards', a councillor has said as leaders kicked off devolution debates.
Councils are set to formally make their initial devolution proposals — but what would multiple authorities look like in Suffolk?
An authority is no longer able to keep its tax relief rates at the same levels, a councillor has said as cuts were backed by leaders.