The Mayfair, in Broad Street, Bungay, near Beccles, has licence approved following abrupt closure
A new venue in a Suffolk market town has had its licence approved following an abrupt closure late last year.
The Mayfair, in Broad Street, Bungay, near Beccles, initially opened on a temporary licence on Friday, December 8, after it was transformed from an off licence shop into a new cafe and cocktail bar.
However, after several noise complaints from residents along the street, East Suffolk Council decided to revoke the licence and the venue was forced to shut on December 22.
This afternoon, members of the council’s licensing sub-committee met to consider The Mayfair’s application for a licence for live and recorded music, dance, films, late-night refreshments, and sales of alcohol.
The application received 25 letters of support, with the venue being proposed by the owners, Silas and Daisy Rayner, as a cafe during the day and a cellar bar into the night.
Councillors heard from Mr Rayner about the need for the new venue and its success during the brief time it was opened.
He said: “There is a huge demand in Bungay for a beautiful and comfortable space for people to get together.
“Bungay is a very vibrant, wonderful town with a very unique selection of people in it, and The Mayfair is a venue that caters for those people.”
Mr Rayner went on to add the business had attracted more people than expected, with around 300 children coming to the Santa’s grotto that had been set up at the back of the building.
He also addressed worries the plans meant The Mayfair would represent a new nightclub in the town and promised to continue communicating with neighbours and residents about any problems.
“We will be neighbours and I stand by my commitment to not do anything that causes them unreasonable negative effect.”
Some of the conditions agreed to since shutting down in December included dialling back its closing time from midnight to 11pm, not allowing drinks outside the venue, soundproofing the cellar bar area, keeping the immediate surrounding area clean, and addressing safety concerns raised by Suffolk Constabulary.
Nevertheless, councillors also heard from objectors who continued to raise worries to do with noise, soundproofing, and anti-social behaviour.
In the management plan submitted with the application, Mr Rayner committed to addressing any future issues raised.
It read: “We will not operate an activity that knowingly causes distress to residents of Bungay and will make best endeavours to quickly resolve any issues that may arrive.
“We are confident that the business will be a benefit to the town and be able to run harmoniously without our location and situation.”
The licence was granted subject to conditions.
If approved at the planning level, The Mayfair will be open all week from 10am to 6pm for the cafe area, and 6pm to 11pm for the cellar bar area.