Review: King Arthur – A Legendary Comedy, performed by Le Navet Bete at Bury St Edmunds Theatre Royal
King Arthur – A Legendary Comedy, Le Navet Bete, Theatre Royal, Wednesday
It’s hard to put into words what I witnessed at Bury’s Regency Theatre Royal last night, but it’s the stuff of legend.
The legend of King Arthur, to be exact… but Exeter-based Le Navet Bete’s take on the famous stories is utterly unique.
I didn’t know what to expect from this production, but it’s safe to say knitted genitalia being thrown into the audience during the opening number - set to Queen’s I Want to Break Free - was not something I could have ever imagined.
And so began a frantic, chaotic, exhilarating and, above all, funny two hours of pure entertainment.
I don’t want to give too much away to anyone who has not yet booked (and if you haven’t yet, you really must), but this rollicking production tells the story of three hapless squires who drunkenly agree to perform a show based on the legends of King Arthur.
Only, there’s a problem. A big problem. There are no tales.
So, the supremely talented Nick Bunt, Al Dunn and Matt Freeman take us on a journey to discover the real characters of Camelot – including the lascivious Guinevere and, sacre bleu, chef Lancelot’s très terrible French accent – as they cook up the legends we are now all familiar with.
Throw in plenty of physical comedy, some slapstick, a few montages, songs and dances, a touch of sauce aimed at the grown-ups (although this is a family-friendly show for ages eight-plus) and plenty of comedy, and you have the recipe for a sublime slice of theatre.
The staging, costumes and writing combine to create something truly special, but it is the three actors who bring the joy to memorable life on the stage.
How they sustain their energy through what is a physically demanding show I do not know, but I do know if you want to laugh out loud and see Merlin sing and dance Cher’s If I Could Turn Back Time while wearing a racy bodysuit and thigh-high boots under his cape, then you need to get yourself to the Theatre Royal this week.
My companion texted me after the show to say: “It’s hard to put into words what we have witnessed. Without doubt, a super-talented cast who had musicality, timing, comedic faces, agility and bravery.
“I thoroughly enjoyed King Arthur at our glorious Theatre Royal, a privilege indeed.”
Indeed. I’ve booked to see the show again on Saturday.
King Arthur runs until Saturday. For tickets, go to or call 01284 769505.