It's time to start planning for some Soapbox fun and support your local hospital
Need something to take your mind off current events? Want something to look forward to. Have a yearning to put at least something on your year planner?
Then get yourself in gear for the My WiSH Charity Soapbox Challenge coming to a hill near you on September 4.
We’ve all missed so many events in 2020 and desperately missed doing things with our friends, family and colleagues, so this team event ticks all the boxes.
And, yes, it may still be a long way off, but there’s plenty of work to be done before taking to the starting grid – team members to round up, a name and theme to decide on, plans to be drawn up to build your soapbox. . .
The event, sponsored by Treatt, raises funds for West Suffolk Hospital, and is the third Soapbox Challenge organised by the charity. As previous years, it takes place on Mount Road, in Bury St Edmunds.
Providing a fun day out, it costs £100 per team to enter and all money raised supports the hospital.
As you can see from the pictures here of the 2019 event, entrants and spectators alike are assured a fun time.
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