Tribute to Sudbury bus driver Ken Partridge who was known for his 'friendly and jolly' manner
A much-loved bus driver – known for his affable nature and always being well dressed – has died, aged 80.
Ken Partridge, of Sudbury, was known by hundreds of people after driving town centre buses for many years.
He also ran two allotments close to his home in Station Road, and where plans are under way for a memorial.
Son Paul said: “Dad was the nicest person I knew. He was known as the ‘jolly bus driver’ who had time for everyone.
“Often, when we were out shopping, he would get talking to someone – and was still talking to them after an hour. Then he would meet someone else, and talk to them for an hour, too.
“He was a true Suffolk boy and had an immense local knowledge, which he loved to share with people.”
Mr Partridge moved to Sudbury 54 years ago. He married Christine, now 76, and had four children, Paul, 53, Adrian, 51, Clare, 46, and Kevin, 39.
He spent his working life as a driver on lorries, buses, taxis, a hospital car service and excursions.
He lost a three-year battle with cancer earlier this month.
“Dad was always known for wearing a tie. He was never seen without one – even on the hottest days,” said Paul.
“I always thought it was because he liked to look smart, but mum told me recently that it was actually after he was stung by a wasp on the neck when he was younger, after making a delivery to a rock factory in Clacton.
"There are so many stories from his life.”
Mr Partridge ran two allotments close to Newton Road. He planted apple trees there which have now been designated as a memorial site.
“Dad loved his allotments and was a campaigner to keep allotments affordable for many years,” added Paul.
Mr Partridge’s funeral will held at Three Counties Crematorium, Braintree, on October 6.
Donations can be made in his memory to support cancer and diabetes research at