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Sudbury Fire Station seeks new recruits at open event this weekend

Are you interested in lending a hand to Sudbury’s fire service as an on-call or full-time firefighter?

That is the call being put out ahead of an open day and recruitment event at the station in Gregory Street on Saturday.

Running from 10am until 4pm, the event aims to give visitors a sample of what it is like to work as a firefighter, with a chance to explore the station and fire engines, try out uniforms and equipment, attempt fitness tests and experience the on-site smoke house, which simulates the effect of navigating a burning building.

Sudbury Fire Station is holding an open day and recruitment event for new on-call firefighters on Saturday, November 30...Pictured: Firefighter Rob Avery, Watch Commander Paul Carrington, Firefighter Jake Booth and Firefighter Russell Grimsey...PICTURE: Mecha Morton .... (22563477)
Sudbury Fire Station is holding an open day and recruitment event for new on-call firefighters on Saturday, November 30...Pictured: Firefighter Rob Avery, Watch Commander Paul Carrington, Firefighter Jake Booth and Firefighter Russell Grimsey...PICTURE: Mecha Morton .... (22563477)

There will be two road traffic collision rescue demonstrations at 11.30am and 2.30pm, where firefighters will show how they open up a vehicle to help a trapped or injured motorist.

Paul Carrington, Sudbury watch commander, told the Free Press: “We have about three or four vacancies in Sudbury, and we are always actively looking for on-call cover.”

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