String of break-ins at stores in Long Melford believed to be linked
A series of burglaries at shops in Long Melford, which are believed to have been linked, has prompted a police appeal for information.
The Hall Street Gallery was targeted in a burglary at some point between the hours of Sunday and Monday.
A loud bang was heard and a window was subsequently found broken at the business.
A glass vase was stolen from Lime Tree Gallery at some point between Saturday and Monday, after intruders broke the front window.
A hairdressers in Hall Street was targeted in a burglary at some point between Sunday and Monday.
Items stolen from Looking Good Feeling Better included curling tongs, hairdryers and a wig.
Suffolk Police believe the series of burglars are linked and have urged anyone with information on any of the incidents stated to contact them on 101, quoting the relevant crime references, which are 37/53125/19, 37/53119/19 and 37/53141/19.