Gosfield pub landlord set to branch out with launch of new Pebmarsh restaurant Flame & Grill
A pub landlord is preparing to broaden his horizons with the launch of a new restaurant next month, with the aim of filling a gap in the market for its unique concept.
Flame & Grill is set to open in Pebmarsh at the end of August, offering traditional British all-you-can-eat dining, including meat, bread and salad, at the site of a converted stable.
The business is the brainchild of experienced publican Matthew Arnold, who currently operates The King’s Head in Gosfield, which he re-opened with his wife Emma back in 2018.
Mr Arnold – a trained chef who has been running pubs for 14 years, after cutting his teeth in the hospitality trade overseas – explained that he did not believe that there was another venue of this kind in the area.
“We plan to open the end of August,” he told the Free Press.
“I feel that the area misses a concept like this – all-you-can-eat meat with self-serve fresh salad and bread counter.
“We will be serving this alongside locally produced drinks in a beautiful countryside converted stable.”
Prior to establishing himself in this part of the world, Mr Arnold worked in bars and restaurants in Australia, following his studies for a four-year marketing and business degree.
He said: “When coming back from travels and temporarily working in a bar, I was promoted to supervisor and then manager in a very short space of time.
“Having then help setup numerous establishments for a larger company, I decided to do it for myself.
“I got my first pub in 2009 and haven't stopped.”
Ahead of its opening, Flame & Grill – which will be based at Le Mote Farm in Cross End – is running a prize draw promotion, for the chance to win a free meal for two people.
For further details, go online to www.flameandgrillpebmarsh.co.uk.