Petition calls on Sudbury school to offer ICT at GCSE
An online petition galvanising support to offer ICT as a GCSE subject for students at a secondary school in Sudbury is gathering steam.
ICT at Ormiston Sudbury Academy is taught in Year 7, but is discontinued as a main subject in other year groups.
Julie Bayes, of Rubens Walk, Sudbury, whose children are students at the school, is leading a petition calling on parents to back the proposal to offer ICT as a ‘bolt on GCSE’ and extend the subject to other year groups.
“I feel that students are at a disadvantage as it’s not available on the curriculum,” she said.
Julie’s son, who has dyslexia, started Year 7 earlier this month and she is concerned he will be missing out on crucial computer skills later on.
“Because of his dyslexia, he would benefit from using computers every day,” she said.
Julie highlighted that providing ICT as a main subject throughout school would benefit all students.
“It’s not just for my son, it’s for all the children who attend, but I feel that someone needs to speak up and get this changed,” she said.
A school spokeswoman said ICT is still offered after Year 7, but as part of a combined subject.
“The academy continues to offer ICT throughout its curriculum from Year 8 and onwards, and these skills are well delivered within a number of subject areas, rather than in a single lesson,” she said.
“We have a carefully considered curriculum which provides all our students with a wide range of learning opportunities. This was recognised in our latest Ofsted inspection in March 2018, which praised our commitment to ‘providing a broad and balanced curriculum’ to all students.
“As part of our commitment to raising academic standards, Ofsted also commended our curriculum for providing additional time to focus on the core English and maths subjects, which has subsequently seen significant results in student progress.”
The petition has already gained 235 signatures backing the proposal with people voicing their own opinions over the issue.
To sign the petition, go online at