Glemsford Primary Academy pupils grill South Suffolk MP on political issues
South Suffolk MP James Cartlidge put himself in the firing line when he was quizzed by children at Glemsford Primary Academy.
Mr Cartlidge joined children from all year groups, along with members of the school’s council, to answer questions on a range of subjects, including Brexit and the environment.
Mr Cartlidge praised the high standards of the school.
“It was a great opportunity to visit Glemsford Primary Academy and witness first-hand why the school is such a credit to the staff, students and local community,” he said.
“It is hugely important that young people engage with politics and understand why public service and democracy is so crucial to all our lives.”
Headteacher Ben Jeffery was impressed by the youngsters’ inquisitiveness from the extensive topics they discussed.
“We were delighted to welcome Mr Cartlidge to the school,” he said.
“Our council had been busy preparing questions for him and we were very proud of the thought-provoking subject matters that were raised.”