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Fund-raising team Anita’s Angels set for 10km charity in support of Leavenheath woman with brain tumour

A team of fund-raisers will put their best foot forward today, in support of a friend who was treated for a brain tumour.

Anita Deeks had just entered a hotel while on a trip away to Italy last year when she suddenly collapsed and was unable to speak.

After she was taken to hospital the Leavenheath resident was diagnosed with a grade four glioblastoma – an aggressive form of brain cancer.

Janice Gammage, Ruth Garrett, Julie Decort-Effeny, Anita Deeks, Karen Royce, Daisie Deeks and Roanna Seager. Picture: Contributed
Janice Gammage, Ruth Garrett, Julie Decort-Effeny, Anita Deeks, Karen Royce, Daisie Deeks and Roanna Seager. Picture: Contributed

Nine days later, Anita was medically repatriated to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, where she underwent surgery and chemotherapy and has been steadily recovering since.

In solidarity with her cancer battle, a group of women dubbed ‘Anita’s Angels’ will embark on a 10-kilometre walk on Saturday to raise money for The Brain Tumour Charity.

Anita’s husband Greg said the tumour had made ‘a profound effect on her life’ and they were grateful for the level of support they had received.

“We want to raise money to help fight this awful disease, which affects so many people – both adults and children,” he said. “We’ve had so much support from friends and family.

“Anita is doing really well at the moment. Her scans are stable, but obviously, she can’t work and has had to stop driving.

“It has been difficult for us both, as I’ve had to cut back on my working hours to support her. She has found it hard to adjust, but she’s getting stronger as the months go by.”

Organised by Karen Royce, the fund-raising group includes Daisie Deeks, Julie Decort-Effeny, Janice Gammage, Ruth Garrett, Julie Kossick and Roanna Seager.

Their trek will set off from Cornard Lock this afternoon at 3.30pm, travelling along the riverside and railway walks to Long Melford.

Following a break at Nethergate Brewery on Rodbridge Corner, the group will then journey along Melford Road to Sudbury, before finishing at the Kingfisher Leisure Centre at approximately 7pm.

With a couple of days to go until their challenge, the team has already collected more than £2,600 in donations, with the total rising above £3,000 with additional money from Gift Aid.

To contribute towards the cause, go to justgiving.com/page/karen-royce-2.

Mr Deeks added: “Should you see the girls along the way, give them a wave or a toot to cheer them on.”

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