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West Row Pre-school rated outstanding by Ofsted

West Row Pre-School has been rated Outstanding by Ofsted.'Picture Mark Westley
West Row Pre-School has been rated Outstanding by Ofsted.'Picture Mark Westley

West Row Pre-school has been raised from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted inspectors.

When the inspectors visited the pre-school, in the grounds of West Row Primary, in May, they assessed it as outstanding in all four inspection areas.

The report’s key findings say: “Teaching is inspirational. Staff have an expert knowledge of how children learn best through play and first-hand experiences.

“Their skilful interactions ensure that all children are challenged in their learning. Consequently, all children are making rapid progress.

“The manager shows a strong focus and passionate drive to provide excellent care and inspirational learning for children.

“Every aspect of the provision is superbly monitored, which enables them to exceed the requirements of the early years foundation stage.”

It praises the standard of safeguarding and says the children are ‘exceptionally happy’ there.

The inspectors added: “Staff know precisely what to do to enrich children’s learning. The very effective teaching and extremely high quality resources promote challenge for children and build on their interests.”

They said the ‘superb key-person approach’ meant parents were kept well informed of children’s progress.

The inspectors concluded that the only thing the pre-school needed to do to improve was to ‘continue to raise the excellent knowledge and skills of staff to an even higher level, enhancing children’s experiences and providing inspiration to others’.

Manager Sue Harrison said: “We are a strong team who are passionate about giving the highest standard of care and education to all our children.

“We currently have 57 children and are over-subscribed for September 2017. We are hoping to start expansion plans next year.”

Meanwhile, Ofsted inspectors rated West Row Primary School as ‘requires improvement’ while recognising the new head was taking action.