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Moulton Primary School, near Newmarket, rated one of the best in the country

Pupils and staff have been celebrating after their school was rated as one of the best in the country.

An Ofsted inspection at Moulton Primary School in December saw its previous good rating upgraded to outstanding in each of the five categories judged by the inspectors.

Welcoming the report, headteacher Deborah Shipp said: “We are delighted that the report captures the spirit of the school, how wonderful, engaged and kind our pupils are, the fantastic support we have from parents and the wider community and the dedication and skill of the staff.

Year 4 pupils celebrate with Deborah Shipp, Nuala Gilmore, deputy headteacher and Joanne Rutter, senior leader. Picture: Mark Westley
Year 4 pupils celebrate with Deborah Shipp, Nuala Gilmore, deputy headteacher and Joanne Rutter, senior leader. Picture: Mark Westley

“It was a full-on few days but it has spurred us on to be even better and we will continue to improve to be the very best we can be.”

Lead inspector Caroline Crozier’s report began: “Moulton CEVC pupils love coming to school. They feel safe in this welcoming, inclusive environment where they blossom and grow.”

The report praised the culture of aspiration at the school where high expectations which were set for achievement and behaviour, were risen to by pupils.

“Pupils behave extremely well and have beautiful manners,” said the report. “They show respect for each other, the adults who work with them and visitors. The classrooms are calm spaces where they can concentrate and learn.”

The report said that the Church of England school reflected its Christian ethos in its attitude to unkind behaviour.

“It simply is not tolerated,” said the inspector. “Pupils say bullying does not happen and they trust staff to deal with any unkindness quickly”.

Turning to the curriculum, the report said learning started in reception and gradually built, preparing pupils well for each phase of their education.

Well-planned activities helped them make links with lessons learned in the past, such as simple circuits built in Year 4 which prepared them for making a buzzer game with a complex circuit in Year 6.

And, said the report, there were opportunities for pupils to develop beyond the curriculum with a programme of trips and other extra-curricular activities which further enriched their experience and developed their talents.