Liam’s rainbow run for NHS
If you spotted Sonic the Hedgehog pounding the pavements of Newmarket recently then you weren’t dreaming.
But it wasn’t the cartoon character you saw but recruitment consultant Liam Mills, of Nat Flatman Street, who had set himself the target of running 10k for seven days consecutive days to raise funds for NHS Charities.
He called his effort Liam’s Rainbow Run as he wore a different colour of the rainbow, which has become a symbol of hope throughout the coronavirus crisis, each day.
Liam’s decision to raise funds for the NHS wasn’t a difficult one. “I know a lot of people that work in the NHS, including my mum and dad, and they have all worked tirelessly throughout this pandemic, even more so than they normally do. NHS staff and volunteers are doing amazing work right now in caring for Covid-19 patients and also keeping our healthcare system running,” said Liam.
Liam’s mum Lorraine Cornell is a midwife at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, in Harlow, while his dad Gavin Mills is an ITU nurse. So far he has raised over £1,000. To support Liam go to