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Newmarket Journal readers' letters to the editor

The large crowd which gathered for a burial prompted a letter to the editor this week, plus West Suffolk Council responds to our story about its Community Chest grants.


I was absolutely shocked by your front page photo in last week’s Journal of the funeral service at Newmarket Cemetery.

A large crowd gathered for a burial at Newmarket cemetery
A large crowd gathered for a burial at Newmarket cemetery

I received a call from a friend out walking her dog near the golf course.

She was shocked by the amount of cars and people gathered outside the cemetery with a total disregard for the Covid regulations.

It’s a disgrace and I would hope all concerned are held to account.

This undermines every good, law abiding, Newmarket resident including Matt Hancock MP and I’m sure many Newmarket people will want to hear that swift and appropriate action be taken.

Jackie Goodridge, Newmarket


Further to Alan Balcomb’s letter (Journal, February 4) regarding Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC).

While I have nothing personal against the Suffolk PCC, Tim Passmore, the position itself is a complete waste of time and money.

The post was established by the Government in 2012. The view was that chief constables were not accountable enough under the previous tripartite agreement between the chief constable the police authority and the Home Office. Therefore, a political position was created.

Previously, the budget was set by the chief constable as a result of work on his/her behalf by the finance director, part of the command team and then presented to the police authority for approval.

Not surprisingly, the Office of PCC created a bureaucracy of its own. Mr Passmore’s is one of the smallest administrations yet has an annual budget of just under
£1 million.

This is enough to employ, even at total employable costs, 13 police constables (if based on salary alone 28 constables).

There is also a strong case to say the chief constable should be independent and not the subject of political influence. Are some issues policed differently because of the political influence of a PCC?

Taking into account that Mr Passmore seems to always want more money and there is nearly always little competition for this post and very low electoral turnout it is questionable if he has got a mandate from the people of Suffolk to ask for it.

John Scott, Old Station Road, Newmarket


Following last week’s front page of the Newmarket Journal ‘Town groups miss out on funding pot cash’, I would like to bring to the Journal’s attention that Newmarket-based Sharing Parenting and The Voluntary Network have both been recommended to receive Community Chest funds.

These two organisations are among 21 organisations that deliver services for the benefit of people in and around Newmarket and have been recommended to Cabinet for funding approval. That represents and investment of more than £360,000 into community organisations that support people in and around Newmarket.

Despite our own financial challenges, we are continuing to invest in community initiatives to help residents before the issues they face snowball into something that has a greater impact on individuals and families, on our health service and society as a whole. More information on the grants paid will be published on the council website and via its social media.

The Racing Centre did apply for £15,000 but subsequently received the full amount of funding it required from the Suffolk Community Foundation.

All organisations that applied will be invited to workshops including crowd funding, social investment, business planning and more. Locality budgets may also be used to match or fully fund projects where appropriate while officers will direct organisations to local and national funding.

I should also like to thank our Grant Working Panel who spent many hours carefully reading all the applications, before making very difficult decisions.

Cllr Robert Everitt, Cabinet Member for Families and Communities, West Suffolk Council


I am sure I am not alone in being disgusted by Mr Mingay’s comments (Letters, February 4).

This country, and the NHS, have done a brilliant job in getting a vaccine at such short notice.

Does he not realise that every last detail has to be planned? Also staff found plus the premises large enough with parking.

Instead of sitting at home, why doesn’t he volunteer to be a marshal or a helping hand or something useful?

Joan Chapman, Little Ouse, Ely

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