Labour of love produces 11 pups for record-equalling Dachshund Mollie, of Fordham, near Newmarket
Published: 11:20, 27 February 2025
Mollie, a three-year-old Dachshund from Fordham, near Newmarket, certainly has her paws full after giving birth to 11 puppies.
And, according to her proud owners Ian and Michelle Rampley, it is a record-equalling achievement for the breed.
The pups arrived over eight-and-a-half hours, with Mollie going into labour at 3am on Thursday, February 13.
Ian said: “Between five and six pups is the normal litter size for the breed, but they just kept coming. I turned into James Herriot from start to finish.”
Seven of the puppies are black and tan, just like their mum, while four are brown and two of those will be registered as red, which is rare for the breed.
“Mum and pups are all doing well,” said Ian.