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Is your child the cutest in Newmarket? Head to The Guineas Shopping Centre for a free photo shoot and enter our competition

Calling all parents of bonny babies and cute kids.

The Journal’s Cute Kids competition is back and free photography sessions are being held in The Guineas Shopping Centre, in Newmarket, next week.

Take your youngster along to the centre between 10am and 1pm or 2pm and 3.45pm daily from Thursday, June 29, and Saturday, July 1, for a free photo shoot, with no need to book ahead.

Is your child the cutest in town?
Is your child the cutest in town?

There will be an option to buy a 10in by 8in print for £5 with the photograph of choice being entered into the competition.

Photos will appear in the Newmarket Journal and readers will be able to vote, using a special coupon published in the paper, for the winner.

The competition winner will receive a 20x16 canvas, the runner-up a 16x12 canvas and thoid placed a 12x8 canvas.

The competition is open to all children and the sitting is free with no obligation to purchase anything.

Iliffe Media competition rules apply and the editor’s decision is final.

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