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Newmarket shopping centre photography sessions scheduled for entries in to our cute kids competition 2022

A photography session is being held at The Guineas Shopping Centre in Newmarket as part of the Newmarket Journal's annual Cute Kids competition.

Bring your baby or toddler along to The Guineas Shopping Centre in Newmarket from 30 June until 2 July between 10am and 1pm or 2pm - 3.45pm for a free photo shoot, with no need to book ahead.

There will be an option to buy a 10 inch by 8 inch picture for £5 at the end, with the picture of choice being entered in to the competition.

Will your child win this year's competition?
Will your child win this year's competition?

After votes are cast by readers, prizes of a 20 inch by 16 inch canvas portrait, a 16 inch by 12 inch canvas portrait and a 12 inch by 8 inch canvas portrait for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

Photos will appear in the Newmarket Journal following the competition, and although there is no guarantee that every photo will appear, the Journal will feature as many as possible depending on space.

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