Newmarket Town Council urges tree officer to save magnificent chestnut near The Severals
Newmarket town councillors have urged tree experts to do a thorough investigation before allowing a chestnut tree growing near The Severals to be felled.
At a meeting on Monday, members of the council’s planning committee considered an application by Green Lodge Stables owner, Christopher Ranson, to cut down the tree which is on his property and whose roots he said had damaged the drains and sewer.
He said branches dropped off it and the tree’s leaves died and went brown quickly because it infested with insects which swarmed throughout his property causing health risks to both humans and horses.
He said he wanted to fell the tree as soon as possible so that the replacement specimen tree could be planted over the winter
But Cllr John Berry, a trainer, who rides past the tree regularly, said: “This is a magnificent tree, which appears to be in great condition, and it would take 50 years for any replacement to grow to that size.
"I think we should object to this and strongly request that the tree officer looks into this very closely before making a decision.”
Cllr Jackie Clover echoed Cllr Berry’s objections and councillors agreed the application be submitted to the district’s tree officer for careful and thorough consideration.