A-LEVEL RESULTS: Mildenhall College Academy’s pass masters
Oskar Polanski was planning a gap year, but after getting his A-level results at Mildenhall College Academy yesterday, he’s not so sure.
“Now I can see the results, I think I’ll apply to Oxford for law – they’ve got to take me with these grades!”
Oskar only came from Poland in year nine, speaking little English, but realised the opportunities he had and worked hard, gaining A* in Polish, As in maths, government and politics and his extended project and B in history.
Yet he still found time to take part in international projects, including addressing German MPs, and to be head boy in 2015-16.
At the academy 99 per cent of students have gained A-level passes compared to 98 per cent last year. The percentage gaining top grades has also risen with 48 per cent getting A* to B grades and 75 per cent A* to C.
Head Susan Byles said: “This is another set of really pleasing A-level and vocational results. I’m extremely proud of how hard out students and staff have worked.”
For three students, their hard work brought a complete about turn from last year. Georgia Peacock, from Buryt, and Jasmin Le and Ellie Parrington, both of Lakenheath, were upset last year at not getting the results the needed, but all decided to try again.
Jasmin was so upset in 2015 she cried in a corner for an hour. She said: “Mrs Byles tried to get me back and in the end I accepted it and started working hard again.”
Her A in maths and Cs in chemistry and biology ensure a place studting law at Lincoln.
Georgia had been ill during her A-level course but has the same grades as Jasmin and will study genetics at Essex, but it didn’t stop the tears.
She said: “I was in tears this morning expecting rejections, but I got onto the UCAS website and it said ‘yes’.”
Ellie had C, D and E last year but now has A in maths, C in chemistry and C in further maths so will study maths at UAE.
“I had a sleep over with a friend and we both got up this monring and it was on UCAS that we’d both got our first choices, so we both screamed.”
Emily Cash’s B-Tecs had already ensured a place studying paramedic sciences at UAE but she now also has D*D* in health and social care, D* in applied science, B in English literature and A* for her extended project.
The results have given her confidence. She explained: “It’s reassuring knowing I’m capable.”