Lowestoft horse loves snoozing in the sun so much, owner has to reassure Suffolk locals she's not dead
The owner of a snoozy horse which loves to take a nap in the sunshine is being forced to constantly reassure worried locals that her pet nag is not actually dead.
Lazy Marge, aged six, regularly flops completely to the ground in her paddock for a bit of shut-eye particularly in the warm weather.
But the sight of the slumbering horse has led to owner Louise Knock, 41, being bombarded with phone calls from worried locals telling her that her horse has died.
Frustrated Louise, a zoo keeper from Lowestoft, makes five or six trips a week to the meadow to check that Marge is okay - only to find her snoring away.
Now Louise has taken to social media to reassure passers-by and her neighbours that the black and white steed is actually fine and is only having 40 winks.
Louise said: "In the summer she gets quite tired so she crashes out.
"Normally horses have their head up or legs crossed but she's completely flat.
"It's a really unusual stance for a horse because they're flight animals but Marge is quite happy like that."
Louise said that she gets around five phone calls a week from locals passing her field concerned that snoozing Marge may have died.
She said: "People get quite concerned. They walk down the road and see her flat out. They call to say 'I think your horse isn't well'.
"99% of the time she will be fine but I always go down to check on her.
"She's always done the napping on and off but in this last month it's been extremely sunny so she's just realised it's much comfier for her to lay flat out.
"I think she feels happy and relaxed. She literally snores when I'm standing over her."
Louise added that Marge only naps during the day if she is accompanied by her horse husband Matrix, 24, who watches over her as she dozes.
Alongside her snoozing habit, Louise said that Marge likes getting out and about, despite being "a little simple".
She added: "She's quite an active horse, she's ridden regularly.
"She's a special girl. Her legs don't quite go in place but she's a lovely mare. She can be a little simple but we love her."
Read more: All the latest news from Lowestoft
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