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Stonegate Pub Company confirms Yates, in Ipswich town centre, to close

A pub chain thanked its customers as it announced it would be closing its bar in Ipswich.

Yates, in Tower Street, near Sailmakers shopping centre, will close on September 2.

This comes as the company’s lease is due to expire, and the building is set to be returned to its landlord.

Yates will close in Ipswich. Picture: Google
Yates will close in Ipswich. Picture: Google

Yates, which is owned by Stonegate Pub Company, took over the building in 2017, after the closure of the Robert Ransomes Wetherspoons.

However, it was a Yates before J D Wetherspoon opened at the site – opposite its other pub, The Cricketers.

Stonegate also manages The Plough, in Dog’s Head Street.

A spokeswoman for Yates said: “Yates will be closing on 2nd September as our lease has expired and will be returned to the landlord.

“We thank our customers for all their support over the years and encourage them to visit our sister pub.”

There are no plans for the firm to open at another location.

In addition, staff will be deployed to other venues, where possible, she added.

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