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Zoe Tanner, of Ipswich, ranks 10th in England for under 17s squash

A squash sensation from Suffolk has reached the top ten in England for under 17s.

Last week, Zoe Tanner’s hard work on-court paid off, as she reached tenth place in the English Squash rankings for under-17 girls.

The 16-year-old, of Ipswich, said: “I am ecstatic. I keep remembering and feeling so happy.

Zoe is ecstatic with her ranking. Photo: Niall Tanner
Zoe is ecstatic with her ranking. Photo: Niall Tanner

“I started playing after a squash coach came into our primary school to teach us, and I’ve been at Ipswich Sports Club for ten years now.

“I’ve even been into primary schools to introduce squash to children the same age as when I started – which is really weird.”

Zoe began competing in tournaments when she was 12, and has recently been targeting the most high-ranking competitions.

Zoe has played more tournaments since 2022 than anyone in the top 68. Photo: Niall Tanner
Zoe has played more tournaments since 2022 than anyone in the top 68. Photo: Niall Tanner

In the last two years, she has entered 12 tournaments – which is more than any other player in the top 68 for under 17 girls.

This year so far, she has competed at the British Junior Open, the Karakal Chichester Silver Junior Open, the English Junior Championships, London Gold, Devon Junior Silver and Ipswich Open Silver. Her average score is 375.83.

She said: “Squash is one of the few sports in which you compete individually, so you are solely responsible for your performance – but you play team events where you cheer the others on.

“It is a really supportive environment.”

Zoe, who goes to Framlingham College in College Road, will be moving up to the under-19s league next year – but she’s also got exams to think about.

The squash star has helped inspire primary school children to play. Photo: Niall Tanner
The squash star has helped inspire primary school children to play. Photo: Niall Tanner

She will be targeting the high-level tournaments, but competing at fewer overall. She hopes to maintain her position next year.

Zoe ranks just under another Suffolk player from Ipswich Sports Club – Emma Logan, whose average score is 396.67.

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