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Grundisburgh scout group’s ‘family-friendly’ firework display to return for its 12th year

A ‘family-friendly’ fireworks display near Ipswich is returning this year as part of a scout groups fundraising for a new HQ.

1st Grundisburgh Scout Group will host the event, which starts at 4:30pm on Saturday, November 4.

They have been working on getting the funds for a new scout hut for the last 12 years, and feel that they will be able to start work on the new building by next year.

The queue at last year's display. Picture: 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group
The queue at last year's display. Picture: 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group

The display is aimed at a younger audience so families with small children can still enjoy the fireworks together.

Alison Banham, chairperson of 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group said: “Our current building is from the 1960s, and so we do the fireworks alongside our duck race in the summer to go towards the new HQ.

“We bought some land for the new HQ in March, and then we have our AGM on October 8 this year so we’ll tell people what we’ll be doing with the land.

One of the fireworks at last years display. Picture: 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group
One of the fireworks at last years display. Picture: 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group

“The Christchurch fireworks are always late, I think they start around 9pm, and as a scout group we’re for the children anyway and so we through we’d do it for the kids.

“It started out as an event just for the beavers, cubs and scouts but now we’ve had people coming from outside the village, last year we had over a thousand tickets sold before the event as well as people buying on the door.”

Purchasing tickets beforehand is the only way to guarantee food for the event, so the group can stock in advance.

The food on offer at last year's event. Picture: 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group
The food on offer at last year's event. Picture: 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group

The unit have purchased over £2.7k worth of fireworks for the display.

And as well as the show being earlier to cater to young children’s timeframes, Alison also said the fireworks themselves are tailored to a younger audience.

“There are no real big bangs or rockets, it’s just a nice display.#

A firework at last year's display. Picture: 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group
A firework at last year's display. Picture: 1st Grundisburgh Scout Group

“Last year’s display was set to music but we haven’t decided if this year’s will be yet,” she said.

Pre-booked tickets are £8 for an adult with a food item, and £6 without food, whilst children’s are £6 and £4 respectively, and can be purchased at https://www.grundisburghscouts.org.uk/fireworks-display/?fbclid=IwAR3vptz1eOm2WJR47jfQS6dUIcpMCdxcxoexzbN5QDhYyDz-5P03PHFyHTI.

Drinks and glowsticks will be available on the night.

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