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A14 near Ipswich remains partially closed after motorcyle and lorry crash

The A14 near Ipswich remains closed eastbound following a serious collision between a motorcyle and a lorry this morning.

The road between junction 52 and 55 is expected to be closed throughout the morning, but the westbound carriageway has reopened.

The crash took place on the eastbound carriageway between Sproughton and the Copdock Interchange following reports just before 7.30am.

The road closure caused severe delays. Picture: Highways Agency (59486386)
The road closure caused severe delays. Picture: Highways Agency (59486386)

A spokesperson for Suffolk Police said: "There are no updates at this time. We will issue these proactively when we are able to confirm more detail."

While the eastbound carriageway remains closed a diversion route has been put in place:

- Exit the A14 at J52 Claydon and take the 4th exit onto the B1113 (Bramford Road).

- Continue on the B1113 through Bramford and Sproughton to the roundabout with the A1071.

- At the roundabout take the 1st exit onto the A1071 and continue to the junction with A1214.

- Turn right at the junction and follow the A1214 to re-join the eastbound carriageway at J55 Copdock Mill.

For more information click the link.

Norfolk and Sufolk Roads and Armed Policing Team are completing collision investigation at the scene and are dealing with traffic caught between the closure and the incident.

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