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Catch22 applies to turn Ipswich former register office at St Peter House, in Grimwade Street, into a school

A former register office in Ipswich could be transformed into a school as a charity searches for a new site.

Catch22 is seeking permission from Ipswich Borough Council (IBC) to turn St Peter House, in Grimwade Street, into a place to provide specialist education for children aged five to 11.

Classes would cater to pupils, such as those with anxiety, low self-esteem, Asperger’s Syndrome or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who struggle in mainstream education.

St Peter's House could become a school under new plans. Picture: Google
St Peter's House could become a school under new plans. Picture: Google

This comes as the organisation’s current lease is set to expire and it looks for a ‘more suitable’ site.

The building formerly housed Ipswich Register Office, the services of which are now located in Endeavour House.

If approved, the building would be in use between 8am and 6.30pm for teachers and from 9.30am to 2.30pm for pupils.

As many as 22 students would be catered for as well as 15 members of staff.

Two metre high walls would be installed in the existing car park to create a playground.

Two parking bays will be retained – one for the headteacher and another for any staff member with mobility issues – and a new cycle rack will be installed.

Parents who pick up their children would either walk, use public transport, or park in Rope Walk.

The applicant said: “The vision for the Catch22 includes Suffolk Primary School pupils reflecting a passionate commitment to learning and celebrating the uniqueness of our children as individuals.

“The proposed change of use of St Peter House will enable the council to fulfil its aim of keeping apace with Ipswich’s rising population and the number of school-age children.

“The applicant expects the council to bring any potential issues arising with the proposal to the attention of Planning Direct at the earliest opportunity, in order that clarifications can be provided and/or solutions agreed where appropriate.”

Catch22 describes itself as a social business which provides Ofsted-regulated education and aims to build aspiration and resilience in people and communities.

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