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Coupals Primary Academy, Haverhill, addresses ‘dangerous’ driving and inconsiderate parking concerns

Inconsiderate parking and dangerous driving outside a Haverhill primary school have prompted its headteacher to request a crossing patrol and to take other road-safety steps.

Coupals Primary Academy, in Chalkstone Way, is addressing road-safety issues reported by some parents or carers.

Last Thursday, Alison Lamper detailed on social media how she was almost hit by a car while using the pedestrian crossing outside the school, which is also on a road regularly used by double decker buses.

On the right of the picture a car can be seen parked in the bus stop, while a truck is parked on zig zag road markings with its hazard lights on during the morning drop-off at Coupals Primary Academy in Haverhill.Picture: Steve Barton
On the right of the picture a car can be seen parked in the bus stop, while a truck is parked on zig zag road markings with its hazard lights on during the morning drop-off at Coupals Primary Academy in Haverhill.Picture: Steve Barton

Others have also raised safety concerns over the crossing and driver behaviour at school drop-off and pick-up times.

These include not only the safety of the pedestrian crossing but vehicles being parked on grass verges, speed humps and white zig zag markings.

She said: “I nearly got hit on a zebra crossing yesterday afternoon. I was one step away from colliding.

Cars line one side of Chalkstone Way, near to its junction with Stockley Close, during the school run at Coupals Primary Academy in Haverhill.Picture: Steve Barton
Cars line one side of Chalkstone Way, near to its junction with Stockley Close, during the school run at Coupals Primary Academy in Haverhill.Picture: Steve Barton

“Now I know how to stop, look and cross. My thought is she probably got dazzled by the sun.

“What if I had been a child? There is no excuse.

“If you can’t see properly then slow down or even better, stop.

“She finally saw me when she was already passed. That is too late.

The zebra crossing outside Coupals Primary Academy in Haverhill is on Chalkstone Way, a road used regularly by double decker buses.Picture: Steve Barton
The zebra crossing outside Coupals Primary Academy in Haverhill is on Chalkstone Way, a road used regularly by double decker buses.Picture: Steve Barton

“Didn’t stop to apologise though.”

Tom Wade, Coupals’ head of school, said the school had received reports of some ‘dangerous driving’ in Chalkstone Way.

Mr Wade said: “It has been reported that cars are being parked in places which are presenting issues for community.

“Parents have reported that cars are not always stopping at the pedestrian crossing.

“Therefore, the school has alerted Suffolk County Council and requested that it provides a crossing patrol.

“Suffolk County Council has agreed to complete an observation.

“The school has reminded staff and children to remain vigilant when arriving and leaving.

“Also, the school is recruiting junior road safety officers to raise the importance of road safety.

“This will also be addressed in PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) lessons.”

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