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Suffolk Day celebrations in Clare were 'well supported' by the county

People travelled from across the county to take part in the Suffolk Day celebrations that took place in Clare on Monday.

The annual event that celebrates Suffolk was this year hosted by Clare, and saw about 100 people – among them 60 pupils and staff from Clare Primary School – join a procession through the town’s country park to Market Hill.

The walkers included mayors or other representatives from Suffolk’s towns, including some from the further reaches such as Bungay and Lowestoft, and chairs or leaders of councils in Suffolk, including the county and West Suffolk Council.

Haverhill councillors Margaret Marks (centre) and Elaine McManus (right), at the Suffolk Day procession. Picture by Mecha Morton.
Haverhill councillors Margaret Marks (centre) and Elaine McManus (right), at the Suffolk Day procession. Picture by Mecha Morton.

The procession was organised by a working party led by town councillor Tony Litton, who said: “It was very well supported by the county.”

They were led by Clare town crier,Andrew Parkhurst to Market Hill, where the chairman of Clare Town Council, Cllr Paul Bishop, read out the Suffolk Day Proclamation.

Lady Clare Euston, the Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, then presented 2021 Suffolk Medals to two recipients – Jeremy Mauger and Linda Hoggarth – assisted by Edward Creasy, High Sheriff of Suffolk.

Afterwards, a civic reception was held in the gardens of The Swan pub, which provided a marquee for the occasion.

Businesses in Clare joined in the celebrations for Suffolk Day with a competition for the best dressed shop window on the theme of Suffolk.

The judges, BBC Radio Suffolk’s Mark Murphy, who presented his breakfast show from Market Hill, and Susan Moore, chair of the Clare Business Association, awarded the prize to Linda Dabbs, of Jardin De Clements, on Market Hill.

Read more: All the latest news from Suffolk

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