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Facts revealed for Haverhill Echo archive photo

Some damp goings on pictured in August 1999, and now we know what was going on.
Some damp goings on pictured in August 1999, and now we know what was going on.

Mary Rawson spotted this photo in the Echoes of the Past feature that ran in last week’s Echo (March 23) and got in touch to explain more about it.

The picture was taken in August, 1999 and Mary explained that it shows her husband, Charlie outside their house in Hamlet Road.

Every time they had a downpour, added Mary, they were flooded because all the drains and pipes were blocked, probably with leaves, as they have some huge trees on the green by the road.

She said: “We sometimes even took our shoes off to wade through the water. We eventually got the problem sorted out, although saying that we still get flooded, but not as bad as it used to be.

“We did laugh when our neighbour showed us the picture, as we had forgotten all about it, my husband felt a bit of a celebrity!!!!