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Changes to Haverhill bus route by Stagecoach cause ‘disquiet’ among residents with concerns around safety

Residents of a Haverhill estate, one of them the councillor that represents the area, have spoken out against a bus company’s ‘unsafe’ decision to send double-deckers down their streets.

The number 13 Haverhill to Cambridge Stagecoach service is, as of last Sunday, now turning off Wratting Road (the A143) into Ann Suckling Road and turning left to go around Falklands Road before returning to Wratting Road.

Previously, the buses had pulled in at a bus stop at the Wratting Road/Ann Suckling Road junction and collected or dropped off passengers before going up to the roundabout at the entrance to the new NW Haverhill development being built by Persimmon Homes, going round it and returning towards the town centre.

Number 13 buses are now using Ann Suckling Road, as pictured here, and Falklands Road in Haverhill Submitted picture.
Number 13 buses are now using Ann Suckling Road, as pictured here, and Falklands Road in Haverhill Submitted picture.

Haverhill town, district and county councillor Joe Mason, who lives off Falklands Road, said he had received ‘a lot of correspondance’ about the changes, with people on the estate unhappy at what has been done.

He said: “There is real disquiet from residents on the Boyton Hall estate about the fact that there is not just one bus, but it’s a bus every half an hour and there are sometimes two buses arriving at the same time.”

Cllr Mason said the double deckers were turning into Ann Suckling Road and, because of the vehicles parked on both sides of the street, often turning into Falkands Road on the wrong side of the road.

Cllr Joe Mason
Cllr Joe Mason

One bus was even seen doing a three point turn, reversing into a side street to do so, while Cllr Mason said his wife nearly collided with a bus because it was on the wrong side of the road.

Cllr Mason said: “What I would like is for this service to be suspended so a proper review can be done and residents can be given the information they need.”

He added: “I have got real concerns about the safety.

“You can’t just start doing it. Why do we need two buses every hour.

“It’s not safe and residents are really unhappy.”

Cllr Mason also pointed out that there were no bus stops along Falklands Road to indicate it might be part of a bus route and if it was a ‘hail’ service, questioned why nobody has been told about it.

A comment posted on Facebook by one Boyton Hall resident said of the situation: “We would never have bought this house if we thought we’d have double deckers hurtling passed (sic)!!

“We are absolutely flabbergasted that this has happened!!”

A Stagecoach East spokesperson said: “We recently revised our number 13 route, from Sunday, June 4 2023, to serve Ann Suckling Road.

“This amendment was introduced in order for us to meet the conditions of our section 106 agreement with Persimmon Homes and Suffolk County Council, which provides funding for

bus routes servicing new developments between housing developers and local authorities.

“The route now serves Ann Suckling Road on a hail and ride basis, meaning there is no fixed bus stop locations on the estate but passengers can hail the bus from the road, providing a convenient and reliable service for new home owners in the area.

“Any new bus stops will need to be installed by the housing developer, Persimmon, as this is their responsibility under the section 106 agreement.”

The spokesperson added: “Our Cambridge operations team carried out a full route risk assessment before the service 13’s new route began, and our drivers have so far not had any issues with parked cars on the route.”

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