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Controversial 70 homes plan in Cavendish Road, Clare, set for approval by West Suffolk Council

Controversial plans for 70 homes on the outskirts of a town have been recommended for approval despite a council’s concerns.

The proposals from Rainier Developments for the land off Cavendish Road, in Clare, near Haverhill, will go before West Suffolk Council’s development control committee on Wednesday.

Town councillors Rob Eyre and Murray Stroud previously spoke to SuffolkNews of their issues with the plans and their fears over the impacts it could have on the town, particularly for road safety.

Clare Town Council has expressed its concerns over the proposed Cavendish Rod development. Picture: Mark Westley
Clare Town Council has expressed its concerns over the proposed Cavendish Rod development. Picture: Mark Westley

The site is opposite Stour Valley Community School and Denbury Homes’ Weavers Way development.

The plans were slightly amended during the course of the application to address concerns which were raised.

This included the extension of the 30mph zone by 200 metres to cover the furthest east side of the site.

Clare town councillors Murray Stroud and Rob Eyre at the site of the proposed Cavendish Road development. Picture: Mark Westley
Clare town councillors Murray Stroud and Rob Eyre at the site of the proposed Cavendish Road development. Picture: Mark Westley

Suffolk Highways had previously objected to the plans on December 20, but after the inclusion of this on February 4 it ceased this subject to a relevant planning condition and the developers paying £15,000 for a traffic regulation order to extend the zone.

Clare Town Council supported the extension of the 30mph zone but expressed disappointment other traffic calming measures, such as a roundabout or build outs on the entrance to the town, were not brought forward.

This was due to it being deemed a designated lorry route by Highways.

Plans for 70 homes off Cavendish Road, in Clare, are set for approval. Picture: Mark Westley
Plans for 70 homes off Cavendish Road, in Clare, are set for approval. Picture: Mark Westley

In comments submitted to West Suffolk Council from a meeting last week, the town council said the A1092 was no longer a designated lorry route and it was in the process of obtaining a 7.5 tonne weight restriction Traffic Regulation Order for the road.

A document prepared for the meeting detailed that the closest part of the site to the town centre, Market Hill, is around 600 metres away.

The town council said the development would be a ‘significant distance’ from the town and most residents would end up using their cars to drive into the centre. It added it considered the car park included in the development would end up being used as a drop off point for the school.

Analysis by planning officers said the site does not comply with the current adopted Local Plan, but there are material considerations that ‘indicate otherwise’, being primarily the emerging local plan and the current five year housing land supply of the council.

The plans are an outline application, with further details to be agreed at a later date.

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