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Landguard Fort in Felixstowe suffers damage after being hit by dozens of golf balls

A popular seaside attraction in Felixstowe has suffered mortar damage after being struck repeatedly by golf balls.

Suffolk Police said that, between 5pm on Monday and 9am on Tuesday, more than 40 golf balls were swung at Landguard Fort

A spokeswoman for the force said they had been shot from a grass mound off Point View Road, causing mortar damage to the outer wall.

Landguard Fort has been pelted by golf balls
Landguard Fort has been pelted by golf balls
More than 40 were swung at the site. Picture: Suffolk Police
More than 40 were swung at the site. Picture: Suffolk Police

Some balls ended up going over the wall into the inner courtyard.

Causing damage to such attractions is an offence under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979.

Anyone who saw what happened or can aid the investigation should get in touch with Suffolk Police, quoting crime reference, 37/13803/25.

Some of the damage. Picture: Suffolk Police
Some of the damage. Picture: Suffolk Police
Landguard Fort has been damaged by gold balls. Picture: Suffolk Police
Landguard Fort has been damaged by gold balls. Picture: Suffolk Police

This can be done via the Suffolk Constabulary website or by dialling 101.

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