17 June 2020
The Government's Job Retention Scheme has provided grants covering up to 80 per cent of workers' wages, up to a maximum of £2,500 per month.
16 June 2020
The last Covid-19 related death announced by the hospital was on Thursday, June 11.
16 June 2020
Former Exning trainer Bill Holden died last month having been re-united with the son and daughter he had never known.
16 June 2020
As a personal trainer and UK Spartan athlete, Red Lodge’s Jade Skillen is used to pushing things beyond the limit.
15 June 2020
A Bury St Edmunds councillor under investigation following complaints about his social media posts has resigned.
13 June 2020
The couple have lived in the same area for their whole married lives.
13 June 2020
Police hope to reunite this bike found in Bury St Edmunds with its owner.
12 June 2020
Haverhill High Street will become pedestrianised as part of steps to make the town centre covid-19 safer for shoppers and businesses
11 June 2020
Volunteers have been running Balsham Foodbank to help people affected by covid-19
09 June 2020
The mystery of the Wickhambrook willow fairy has finally been resolved.
08 June 2020
The company runs Davers Court and Glastonbury Court in Bury St Edmunds, Mildenhall Lodge in Mildenhall and Cedrus House in Stowmarket.
07 June 2020
People gathered on Angel Hill this afternoon for the Bury St Edmunds for Black Lives event.
07 June 2020
Applications open for Mid Suffolk and Babergh residents.
07 June 2020
Jim and Ann forced to postpone Diamond Wedding party.
06 June 2020
The two-year-old bringing smiles to a community by clapping while dressed as key workers.
05 June 2020
Six Linton Granta players ran more than 500 miles between them in one week, raising over £4,500 for University College London Hospitals Charity UK
05 June 2020
The annual Race for Life in Bury St Edmunds which raises thousands of pounds for a cancer charity has been cancelled this year due to coronavirus.
05 June 2020
Toby Dawson, described by Whittlesford United as a club 'legend', has died of cancer at the age of 36
05 June 2020
A long-serving GP who ‘worked tirelessly for his patients’ has died aged 80.
05 June 2020
Chrissie Feekery and Ben Barker, of Haverhill, had a lockdown 'wedding' on Southwold seafront