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Two anglers land some January carp

The winter months are known for being the hardest time of the year to catch carp, especially double figure carp.

They slow down in the cold weather, especially after sudden drops in temperature, expend less energy and need less food.

To catch carp in winter everything needs to be spot on: bait selection, rigs, feeding (if at all), swim selection, timing (first light is generally considered to be the most likely time to convince a carp to take the bait). The more skilful the angler, the more likely they are to catch a fickle winter double; luck has very little to do with it!

Justin French Middle Reservoir 14lb Common Carp
Justin French Middle Reservoir 14lb Common Carp

Two local carp anglers landed doubles in early January. Both fish were in magnificent condition and both anglers used a combination of skill and persistence to snare the fish.

Contrary to my comment about first light being the best time in winter, Bury AA member Justin French tempted a 14lb common in excellent condition at Middle Reservoir at around 2pm on January 2.

In overcast conditions and with the air temperature at only 3C, it was Justin’s only run of the session. His bait was a spicey crab pop up.

Simon Price Hintlesham Fishery 16lb Ghost Carp
Simon Price Hintlesham Fishery 16lb Ghost Carp

Justin said of his catch: “Any carp is special but a January one is amazing; not the biggest but I am over the moon.”

Also, in early January another Bury AA member, Simon Price, landed a ghost carp in superb condition at Hindlesham Fishery.

Simon caught the 16lb fish on a zig set up 3ft from the bottom with a piece of black foam dipped in scopex squid dip (Simon is a Nash bait tester).

He said of his capture: “A great way to kick-start 2021.”

Ron Hubbard at Barrow Lake
Ron Hubbard at Barrow Lake

I wrote in December about Eric Bolton’s famous band of Bury St Edmunds Angling Association juniors whom he coached at Rushbrooke Lake on Tuesday evenings circa 40 years ago.

I have since had a lot of feedback from anglers who have fond memories of that period including Jay Owen, Mark Bryant, Carl Hitchcock, Andy Flight, Simon Price (Nash Baits), Mark Baker and Tony McCourt.

Tony posted this feedback to the article: “Great memories! Yes, it was 40+ years ago I fished at Rushbrooke on Tuesday evening teach-ins doing mini matches and fishing the Nationals on the Stour at Sudbury.

“Eric was one huge character and the lifeblood of us all at the time.

Bury AA Trophy Presentation May 1992 - Eric Bolton far left (Blue top)
Bury AA Trophy Presentation May 1992 - Eric Bolton far left (Blue top)

“I’ll never forget him telling me he’d give us a thrashing with a wet lettuce if we blanked at the Nationals! Ha ha, we didn’t and came 3rd. Thanks for the nostalgia.”

It is not clear whether Eric’s band of junior stars fished in one National or two.

Tony appears to suggest it was more than one and Carl Hitchcock told me he thought it was two, although he said he could not recall any detail of the second one.

If anyone has any information on the Junior Nationals entered by teams from the Bury AA club, under Eric’s reign as junior officer, please email to me: chrisboughton@outlook.com

David Plampin, Secretary of the Bury St Edmunds Angling Association, contacted me to advise that the club had cancelled their AGM scheduled for February 1 in light of the ongoing Covid situation. A new date will be advised as soon as possible.

David also reported that the fishing platforms at the club’s waters at Water Lane Reservoir and Barrow Lake have been repaired by club treasurer Steve Bull and chairman Woolf Cook.

David said: “I went to the waters over the Christmas period and the platforms looked the best they have done since Ron Hubbard led a band of member volunteers to install them over 15 years ago.”

All Bury AA waters are currently open and can be fished by members in accordance with the latest Covid guidelines and restrictions.

Local day ticket waters, including Kettles Farm, Hawstead Fishery and Jeagor Farm Lakes are also open and operating under strict Covid rules.

Bury St Edmunds-based shop Tackle Up have announced that they will remain closed for the foreseeable future in view of the escalating Covid infection rate to promote the ‘Stay at home’ message and to support frontline workers.

Thank you to Woolf Cook and Nick Bonney for providing the missing names on the archive photo of the 1968 trophy presentation ceremony at Perry Barn (now the Home Guard Club).

For anyone who is interested the photo appears on the Bury St Edmunds Angling Association website along with other archive photos.

I would love to hear your angling stories. Send your photos and reports by email to me at: chrisboughton@outlook.com

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