West Suffolk NHS staff celebrate the work of allied health professionals
A bake off competition was among the activities held by West Suffolk NHS staff in a national day to celebrate the work of allied health professionals.
The West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has nine of the 14 allied health professionals (AHPs) represented on its staff including dietitians, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, paramedics, physiotherapists, podiatrists, radiographers and speech and language therapists.
As part of AHP Day today (Monday, October 14), staff across the trust aimed to raise awareness of their varied roles.
Gylda Nunn, integrated therapies manager for the trust, said: "This is an opportunity for AHPs to collaborate locally and nationally to show what they do within the NHS and jointly with other services.
"Integrated working is key to the role of AHPs, assessing the needs of individual patients and working across the health and social care system to ensure we provide the best, most appropriate care."
The dietitians challenged colleagues to create cakes in a bake off competition that would be suitable for people with different intolerances or allergies.
With one point in it, the dietitians won with their low FODMAP (fermentable oligo di mono saccharides and polyols) cake for people with IBS and other digestive issues.
There were interactive displays to underline how a patient might experience care provided by each AHP.
A patient and public focused information stand was also at the front of West Suffolk Hospital.