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West Suffolk Hospital imposes new visiting restrictions after 'significant' spike in coronavirus cases

West Suffolk Hospital has introduced new visiting restrictions after a 'significant increase in coronavirus cases'.

The Bury St Edmunds hospital's trust is stopping in person visits for most inpatients from tomorrow to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, with any existing booked visiting slots cancelled.

A spokesman for West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust said it follows 'a significant increase in coronavirus cases locally'.

West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds
West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds

He said: "We know that it’s important for our patients to see family and friends.

"We are reluctantly taking these steps to help prevent the spread of infection and ask that the public consider other ways of contacting loved ones such as using personal mobile phones."

The following exceptions to the restrictions will apply:

  • For a child who is a patient - one named parent or responsible carer, who lives in the same household and visiting hours are unlimited.
  • For maternity patients - one named person throughout the pregnancy and visiting will be limited to one hour per day for inpatients, or to accompany to scans and during labour.
  • For people receiving end-of-life care - one named person and visiting will be limited to one hour per day, at a consistent time to be agreed with the ward manager.
  • For people who have a learning disability or severe dementia - named carer(s) who live in the same household or attend the person professionally, as required on the basis of individual need, with visiting hours to be agreed with the ward manager, as required on the basis of individual need.

The spokesman added: "In the event that a named visitor or anyone living with them develops symptoms of Covid-19, they must not visit the hospital.

"Instead, they should follow the national guidance on self-isolation and testing.

"These changes do not affect any of our planned inpatient or outpatient services and patients should still come in for booked tests, appointments and procedures.

"We know some patients need extra support, but we ask that wherever possible patients attend the hospital alone.

"While on site everyone should follow social distancing guidelines, including wearing a face covering and using the hand sanitiser provided.

"We would like to thank patients and visitors for their co-operation and support in respecting these rules and helping us limit the spread of Covid-19."

For the latest coronaviurus case figures by area, click here

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