Video: Police use You Tube to warn of thefts from cars
Police are taking to You Tube to warn motorists to hide valuables as thieves prepare to take advantage of careless Christmas shoppers.
The Norfolk and Suffolk Police video, called Hide Your Stuff, aims to encourage motorists to think more about security by showing the speed and ease at which vehicles can be broken into.
Police say leaving valuable items on show in your car when it is unattended is like a winter wonderland for would-be thieves.
The minute-long clip shows an unattended, locked car, where various items, including a handbag, mobile phone and sat nav, have all been left on display.
A thief, played by Norwich East Officer, PC Dave Block, is attracted to the vehicle by the sat nav stuck to the windscreen.
He forces the front passenger door and in seconds is able to casually walk away from the scene with his haul.
Chief Insp Chris Spinks from Norfolk and Suffolk Roads Policing, said: “Nobody wants to be a victim of crime, especially at this time of the year. It only takes opportunist thieves a few seconds to peer into a vehicle and be tempted to steal if items are left on display, even a coat or jacket could attract them.”
Police are urging motorists to follow 10 simple steps to help beat the burglar this Christmas.
1: Don’t leave anything on display in your car
2: Take your belongings with you when you leave the car - if you can’t, lock them in the boot before you start your journey
3: Fit an electronic immobiliser to prevent the car starting
4: Mechanical immobilisers, such as steering wheel locks, are a good alternative to electronic ones
5: Fit locking wheel nuts
6: Get an alarm installed
7: Consider marking all your valuables that you frequently take in your car
8: Lock all doors and close windows and the sun roof every time you leave your car unattended
9: If you have a garage, use it. If you don’t always try and park in a well-lit open place
10 Always lock your car and garage
To see Hide Your Stuff and other crime prevention videos, visit