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Bury St Edmunds record store, Vinyl Hunter, in St John’s Street, has teamed up with ‘local music legend’ for a live music session

A record store has teamed up with the Bury St Edmunds music ‘legend’ too host a live music session.

Steve Vaughan-Williams has agreed to play at the Festive Folk session at Vinyl Hunter, St John’s Street, on Friday.

Steve was guitarist with the band, Smoke, who were formed in the late 1960s.

Steve Vaughan-Williams (second left) with Smoke. Picture: Submitted
Steve Vaughan-Williams (second left) with Smoke. Picture: Submitted

In 1970, the recorded their single Dreams of Dreams, which went onto to become and hit and was re-released by Spoke Records in 2014 after the record label discovered it had become a cult hit.

William Hunter, of Vinyl Hunter, said: “We’re delighted Steve is joining us. He’s a local legend.”

The music evening is free and starts at 6pm. Other acts include folk musician Rory Hobbs with Fishclaw, Spoilt Broth and DJs playing traditional, wyrd and acid folk.

Steve and the band were also known for holding the Guinness World Record for the longest continuous jam session of 102 hours.