Bury St Edmunds Round Table Fireworks Spectacular in Abbey Gardens returns after two years
A popular fireworks display which raises thousands of pounds for good causes is back after a two year absence.
The Bury St Edmunds Round Table Fireworks Spectacular returns to the Abbey Gardens on Saturday, November 5, after the Covid-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of the 2020 and 2021 events.
In partnership with the town council, the night promises a longer display, funfair as well as food and drink.
Robin Cutler, one of the organisers, said the event, which has been going for more than 20 years and usually attracts about 5,000 people, has raised as much as £15,000 in one night, with every penny going to good causes in the town.
With the last two cancelled, there has been less money to hand out to charities in need.
“People ask us for funds during the course of the year but we’ve been in a situation where we haven’t been able to over the last couple of years so hopefully that will put us back on an even keel,” he said.
Fellow organiser Charlie Athorne, who runs No.5 Angel Hill wine and coffee house, said: “We’re almost at a time now where organisations who get money are needed more than ever but we’ve been in a situation where we can do less.”
Mr Cutler added that the display was for the people of Bury and, aware of the increased cost-of-living and with help from the town council, they had held their prices, which have remained the same for a number of years.
They are also offering discounted advance tickets which not only saves money but also time on the night with fast track entry for ticket holders at the Abbeygate.
Advance prices are £5 for an adult, £4 for a child and a family ticket (two adults and two children) at £15.
Gate tickets cost £6 per adult, £5 a child and £20 for a family pass.
Mr Athorne said the display would kick-start the festive season with the Our Bury St Edmunds Christmas lights event on November 17 and the Christmas in Bury St Edmunds programme.
There is also the St Edmund’s Weekend Spectacular of light between November 17 and 20 as part of the celebrations for the 1000th anniversary of the founding of the Abbey of St Edmund.
Bury St Edmunds Round Table organises a santa sleigh run around the town and surrounding villages.
Round Table is a voluntary group of men, aged 18 to 45, who are always looking for new members.To get involved with the group, email buryroundtable@gmail.com
Tickets for the Abbey Gardens Fireworks Spectacular can be bought online at buryfireworks.co.uk
Or use this QR code to purchase tickets.
Gates open at 5pm, with the fireworks at 7.30pm.