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Poem inspires students’ stunning photography exhibition at St Edmundsbury Cathedral

Photography students at West Suffolk College are exhibiting their work all this week at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. The artworks were inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy ''Pictured: Polly Batchelor and Stephanie Dunstan ANL-150113-172400009
Photography students at West Suffolk College are exhibiting their work all this week at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. The artworks were inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy ''Pictured: Polly Batchelor and Stephanie Dunstan ANL-150113-172400009

Photography students at West Suffolk College are exhibiting this stunning work - inspired by an epic 14th Century poem - at St Edmundsbury Cathedral.

The artworks are based on Dante’s Divine Comedy, which is about a journey through hell, purgatory and heaven and represents the soul’s journey towards God.

Artwork by Reece Webb ANL-150113-104406001
Artwork by Reece Webb ANL-150113-104406001

The exhibition at the cathedral , in Bury St Edmunds, runs until mid day tomorrow.

The work was produced by second year students on the UAL Level Three Extended Diploma in Photography, who looked at the poem and studied elements of surrealism before they began their project.

Course lecturer Natalie Lipscomb said the poem depicts a ‘turbulent and challenging journey of realms of the afterlife’.

She said: “Students were encouraged to incorporate a number of diverse mix media and lens based image making techniques in order to communicate the three realms, Inferno, Purgatorio and finally Paradiso. It is really important that our photography students have the chance to showcase their work outside the college.

Artwork by Harry Macdonald ANL-150113-104356001
Artwork by Harry Macdonald ANL-150113-104356001

“We have worked closely with the cathedral in the past.

“They have provided our students with a fantastic opportunity to engage with the public.”

Artwork by Ellen Goodall ANL-150113-104346001
Artwork by Ellen Goodall ANL-150113-104346001

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