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Oak tree planted in Barton Mills to honour retired parish councillor’s 50 years of service

Village planted an oak tree as a thank you to Charlie Peachey
Village planted an oak tree as a thank you to Charlie Peachey

A village has planted an oak tree to celebrate the ‘invaluable contribution’ of a retired parish councillor who served his community for more than 50 years.

About 30 people gathered for the planting on Barton Mills village green in honour of Charlie Peachey who stepped down this year.

The 82-year-old, who was born in the village, started as a parish councillor in the early 1960s and was chairman of the authority in the late 1980s.

Mr Peachey, who was an electrician for Eastern Electricity all his working life, said: “I’ve enjoyed my time and like to think I had something to contribute.”

Asked how Barton Mills has changed, he said: “Like every village there’s an influx of new people which has been a benefit to the community.

“There’s obviously more housing and things like that. It’s a nice village.”

Pamela Boura, chairman of the parish council, praised him for his ‘invaluable contribution’ to village life as its longest serving parish councillor.

She said: “He’s a very loyal supporter of everything in the village and to achieve 50 years service on the parish council and probably attend around 500 meetings is quite an achievement.

“He has been a vital and reliable supporter.”

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