Thetford man Thomas Dixon sentenced at Norwich Crown Court after downloading indecent images of children
A 30-year-old man from Thetford has avoided jail after downloading 11,000 indecent images of children.
Thomas Dixon, of Chalk Close, was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for two years at Norwich Crown Court on Friday after pleading guilty to six counts of making an indecent image of a child.
Officers from the Safeguarding Children Online Team (SCOLT) executed a warrant on Dixon's home on March 11 and seized two laptops and USB sticks.
He was taken into custody as a voluntary attender and admitted downloading indecent images.
Officers examining the devices, which belonged to the defendant, discovered 11,000 images.
Dixon was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years and handed a 10 year Sexual Harm Prevention Order.
Investigating officer DC Amy Nunn, from the SCOLT, said: "Dixon is a repeat offender having been sentenced for similar offences in 2011.
"The internet is not an anonymous space for accessing indecent images; such activity leaves a digital footprint and we will find it.
"The prohibitions imposed through the Sexual Harm Prevention Order allow the police to monitor Dixon’s online behaviour for the next 10 years, reducing the risk to the public.”
An NSPCC spokesperson for the East of England said: “Behind every one of these images is a vulnerable child suffering unspeakable abuse solely for the gratification of sick offenders like Dixon.
“The war on online child abuse images cannot be left to the police alone, tech companies must commit more resources to prevent this vile material being circulated in the first place.
“It’s also vital we all report any concerns about indecent images and the NSPCC helpline can be reached confidentially on 0808 800 5000 or via”