Bury St Edmunds illegal parking: Police issue nearly 30 parking tickets in one morning
Police issued nearly 30 parking tickets in Bury St Edmunds town centre area on Sunday morning after a call from residents.
St Edmundsbury Police tweeted that the town's Safer Neighbourhood Team handed out 27 tickets in Bishop's Road, Blomfield Street and the town centre area.
Later in the day, they tweeted that they dealt with a report of loitering in Lower Baxter Street.
They added: "Officers located a group of people causing a nuisance, all dealt with and area cleared."
A civil parking enforcement (CPE) order, which would see the power transferred from police to district and borough councils in Suffolk, is due to be laid before Parliament in October.
As long as there are no objections from MPs within 40 days, the new legislation will then be implemented in January 2020.