Group which saved Lakenheath’s Royal British Legion calls for support
The group which gave the Royal British Legion Club in Lakenheath a new lease of life is appealing for support to ambitiously renovate the centre.
Led by community activist Brendan Fulham, the People’s Project successfully bid to buy the building, in High Street, last year.
However, with interest dwindling, Mr Fulham’s widow Margaret is reaching out to the community for help.
Mrs Fulham said: “I am enthusiastic to keep it going because I know how mard my husband worked for it.
“It would be very sad to see nothing happen after the effort he went through to get it.
“There was a lot of enthusiasm in the village, but it drops off when people can’t see anything changing.”
Lucy Fulham, Mrs Fulham’s daughter, became the committee’s new chair at its AGM on Monday and is now searching for a vice chair.
“We’d like some younger people on the committee, to bring some new ideas and energies,” said Mrs Fulham.
The group aims to fund an ambitious building project to combine the club with the adjacent village hall, but a recent estimate put the cost at £700,000 to £900,000.
“It would take a lot of little events to make that kind of money,” said Mrs Fulham.
“We’re trying hard to get grants from Forest Heath and Suffolk County Council. We haven’t given up on Lottery funding either.”
The People’s Project is holidng a fund-raising fete on Sunday, May 10, and is also setting up a 50/50 Club. To buy a number, contact Lucy Fulham on 01842 860878.