Fund-raisers encouraged to put best foot forward for stroke charity
Fund-raisers are being encouraged to make a New Year’s resolution to put their best foot forward by taking part in a run in aid of the Stroke Association.
A 5k, 10k and 15k Resolution Run will be held at Nowton Park, in Bury St Edmunds, on Sunday, March 22.
George Burroughs, community and events fund-raising manager for the Stroke Association in the East of England, said: “Many of our new year resolutions focus on key personal improvements like quitting smoking, eating healthier or joining a gym.
“But too often these fail by the end of January. We’re looking for ‘resoluters’ to join us for a 5, 10 or 15k Resolution Run in Bury St Edmunds. It’s your chance to make a pledge which counts and help us to conquer stroke.”
Dr James Logan, presenter of TV show Embarrassing Bodies, whose grandmother Margaret Kerr suffered a stroke two years ago is backing the runs. For more details, visit